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"The court could rule entirely in South Africa's favor and order all of the measures requested, including directing a halt to Israel's attacks and siege against Gaza. It could dismiss it entirely or it could rule in favor of only some requests or create its own tailored orders."
"Donoghue says the court is "acutely aware" of the conditions in Gaza and the human suffering caused by the war."
"Israel sought to argue that South Africa had not sufficiently notified Israel that there was a dispute prior to bringing the genocide case to the ICJ. Judge Donohue is now going through the history of South Africa making public its views and Israel's public rejection of those."
"Judge Donoghue says the court finds there is sufficient basis for South Africa to have filed its complaint at the court."
"Judge Donoghue: Some of the acts alleged by South Africa to have been "committed by Israel [in Gaza] appear to be capable of falling" within the provisions of the Genocide Convention."
"ICJ finds that South Africa has standing to bring genocide case against Israel."
"Note: people should be cautious to celebrate or denounce any aspects of these findings until the entire order is delivered."
"Court finds the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip constitute a protected group under the Genocide Convention. Court finds Israel's war has caused large scale civilian deaths, massive displacement and extensive damage to civilian infrastructure in Gaza."
"Judge Donoghue is now reviewing the findings of major international organizations on the extent of devastation, death and dire humanitarian conditions in Gaza caused by Israel's operations."
"Judge Donoghue is now reviewing the statements of Israeli officials South Africa said constituted genocidal intent. She begins with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant statements about cutting off Gaza and using the term "human animals.""
"Now she cites Israeli President Herzog's statement saying there are no innocents in Gaza."
"Donoghue: The court finds some of the provisional measures requested by South Africa are legitimate."
"Donoghue: The right of Palestinians in Gaza to be protected from acts of genocide are clear."
"This is all leading up to the court announcing what specific provisional measures it will issue against Israel. South Africa asked for a full cessation of attacks and siege."
"Donoghue notes that Netanyahu says Israel's war will continue for many months and that Palestinian civilians are in a dire crisis. Court finds serious risk to conditions further worsening before the court can issue a final ruling in this case."
"Court finds "urgency... real imminent risk" that irreparable damage will be done to Palestinians before genocide case concludes. Court finds it is necessary for court to indicate measures to protect the population based on South Africa's pleadings."
"What is clear at this point is that the ICJ has ruled the genocide case against Israel will proceed to a full trial, which will take years. Now the court is issuing its orders to Israel, which Netanyahu has already said he will not abide by."
"Court calls for immediate unconditional release of all hostages held in Gaza."
"By a vote of 15-2, the court orders Israel take all measures within its powers to prevent all acts violating the genocide convention in Gaza."
"16-1 the court rules Israel must cease and punish statements of incitement."
"This ruling from the ICJ is a massive legal defeat for Israel and its premiere defenders, the U.S. and Germany. The question now is enforceability and whether the U.S. will openly trample international law in an effort to continue aiding Israeli crimes against Palestinians."
"Court has been adjourned."

"It's symbolically significant that the ICJ chief judge, an American who worked for the State Dept., voted in favor of the provisional measures vs Israel. ICJ judges are independent & do not officially work under orders from their governments. Nonetheless, it is still striking."
"While this is a significant legal defeat for Israel and means the case over genocide will proceed, the devil is in the details. The ICJ did not go as far as South Africa wanted and Israel/US will argue it has not been ordered to cease all military attacks and other operations."
Last edited by LurkerJ - on 26 January 2024