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I think it's a bit silly people are giving this game a free pass just because it's Game Freak they're "stealing" from. I definitely want Game Freak to pull themselves together and make a high effort game, but regardless of whether it's any good, Palworld is not that. To be a little harsh it's basicly an amalgamation of popular things with a side order of shock value. It would be hard for anyone to prove or disprove if they really did use AI in their designs, but the real issue is that the designs are derivative enough that it doesn't sound completely off. And while the designs are the main issue it also seems to have borrowed an awful lot of mechanics, UI, etc. from other games.

TBH it also sets a bad precedent for the industry. The same way that GASS trends have let many a developer to the dark side, this shows that derivative amalgamation games can have massive succes. Next we'll have Animal Crossing with guns or Call of Duty with Care Bears or any number of combinations of existing concepts and IPs all intentionally staying just on the edge of copyright infringements. And even if Palworld didn't use AI some of those definitely will.

In summation: I agree with most Game Freak criticisms and didn't buy Scarlet and Violet for that reason, but I also wouldn't buy Palworld for similar reasons. Both are in my eyes lazy, questionable games albeit in different ways.

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