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Ryuu96 said:
VersusEvil said:

Why should Palworld get a free pass in the cert? From the looks of things they can’t even release a stable working patching as is, why people think making the cert process more lax for this game will somehow improve the devs ability to release working patches is … weird.

They literally just did though, Lol. They released a patch, fixed some stuff, still some known issues, they released a 2nd patch hours later, fixed those issues and again, runs mostly fine at Steam, otherwise it wouldn't be sitting at a 92%

Not saying Palworld should get a free pass, I'm saying all EA titles should have more relaxed rules on certification, it makes no sense for an early access title, which is clearly labelled as being in progress development, and having the potential to be very buggy, to have the same certification process as a full game release.

Some early access titles have dozens of patches within a few weeks due to their very nature of being early access/in development, full releases are typically on a slower schedule for patches and thus the certification does not need to be sped up.

Despite that, even full release titles which aren't labelled as early access can be utterly broken and run like shit, MW3 literally just released an update which broke the game, Lol. At least early access is honest and you know what you're willingly choosing to get yourself into.

You cannot compare Steam to Xbox.  As you stated when you do patches on the PC, you know you are taking a risk and if it causes you issues you have no recourse but to take it. On the console end its different because its a closed product and MS is in charge of allowing any patch on the system.  If that patch nukes your Xbox, your recovery options are limited and it opens up for litigation.  

There is no need for any game to every get any special treatment no matter how popular.  The cert process needs to stay the way it is for console games and while its does delay in getting fixes right away, it also prevents some serious BS from happening as well.

Just because a game is early access does not mean the process should be different.  If anything it should be just as controlled because these beta games have a bigger opportunity to blow up as we have seen with Palword.

Do not forget, the cert process is not to judge how well the game plays on a system, its more to make sure the game does not cause any issue, have any code that can compromise the Xbox, things along that line.