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Ryuu96 said:
pikashoe said:

I'm not sure that a broken, unfinished game selling millions of copies is going to encourage gamefreak to release better pokemon games. As is the game is very bad at the moment, worse than even the worst pokemon game. I get that it's early access but from what I played it was terrible and they are charging money for something that might be playable eventually.

You play it on Xbox or PC? I heard the Xbox version is pretty awful, Lol.

It has an average rating of 92% on Steam so it seems to be mostly fine there.

I played a lot of this game over the weekend and it crashes a lot on the Xbox.  Even so, I see the appeal of the game and why its getting a lot of buzz.  There is a lot to the game and the more you play the deeper the mechanics come into play.  Basically it is a mix of Ark and Viva Pinata if you ask me.  I am level 25 now so I have experience a decent part of the game but there is so much more where now I get to combine these Pals for some truly crazy combinations.  So far I enjoy the game but yeah it needs a lot of work.