I am currently playing and 72, percent through. For me it's the worst ff game and the ugliest next gen game on ps5. It's more an action game with a ff name on it. The only ff DNA is the poorly told story. It's not bad story but it's not that great. Magic is useless, you can summon whenever U want, no elemental weakness or attacks. Buffs in accessories gives U 3 seconds of buff so it's pointless, no debuffs, no healing magic, no inn, no Chocobo music. Alot of the graphics have lower textures. Prerender cutscenes have higher which means that game can do it properly. The world itself should look better as it's a very very linear game. Exploration as a result is is pointless. With the limited linear exploration U get 3 gil . Coolest part of the game is where platinum games helped out with eiklon battles. That's where it looks the best and also pre render Cutscenes. In those eiklon battles U get to experience their take on panzer dragoon and dbz😆. The only disappointing part of those eiklon battles is that qte only gets U to press square, mash it or press R1. Also your eiklon has very little moves and U can easily beaf the boss battles with just dodge and pressing one combo. Crafting is pointless too as U ont craft a handful and U can't evenget all the best gear in your first playthrough which is disappointing..they expect you to play it second time on final fantasy difficulty. Sidequest is as bad as ff15. It's usually collecting stuff, killing. Stuff or delivering food to the people. Only two sidequest that were good which was story related and one where U get an option to save the town but something happens. Combat is okay but very shallow..they wasted opportunities to make it more in depth and fun. U can only get 3 eiklon abilities at one time and each of them U can have two basic attacks, 2 moves and one dash type moves and that's it. You also get alot of other moves but U can't get any access unless U to switch it out.. I have 5 eiklons and there's two based on what I can see but I am probably wrong and it's a shame U cant have access to all at any time. Also it was a missed opportunity to have elemental weakness and attacks to those moves or even buffs and debuffs to the list of moves or add magic powers to their moves.. they even missed the opportunity to give torgal move moves as he only has 2 attacks and one healing and his Helsing stuff is pointless as it helps 10hp per second. They could have made him a juggling monster Also the resolution is so damn low on graphics mode. It's dynamic between 1080p-1440p and it looks more on the 1080 as it how blurry it looks. Even though it's 90 percent locked 30fps there's still slowdown which is disappointed especially on how it looks and how linear it is . We shall speak of the 60fps option😆. It's a fun game but not a great game..based on what I have played it's a 6.5/10. If it wasn't for eiklon battles it would be a 4/10. shikamaru317 said:
Eh, I've not heard great things about it. No party member control, meh side quests, story compared to Game of Thrones (not what I want out of a JP game story wise). I'll still play it at some point, but certainly not at anywhere near full price. FF7R I will likely buy at a higher price, though they better not pull some $70 BS on Xbox fans after making us wait 4 years to play it. Ideally Xbox will put it on Gamepass, but I'm not going to hold my breath there. |