JEMC said: It doesn't surprise me that they've splitted. Too many different gaming tastes can't coexist in harmony in Discord. Mine came with the HD 5850. That card game me many, many years of gaming, like my current GTX 1070. Torchlight is a fun game, but I think the end is too abrupt. I feel like there has to be something more, but I can't find a way to get to lower levels, so either that was it or I missed something. For some reason, I couldn't quite get into Torchlight 2, but that's an odd thing that happens to me with sequels (currently struggling to fins motivation to play Deus Ex Mankind Divided even tho I quite enjoyed the first one). I played the first Assassin's Creed on the Xbox360, but all the others have been on PC. |
Not only tastes, just a lot of hot headed personalities that dont mesh well with other people in general in a closed off/live feed talking environment? Now that is a recipe for disaster lol.
Torchlight 1 was okay but 2 improved a whole lot - really enjoyed it. Havent played 3 yet but got it from a humble bundle or something.
As far as Assassin's Creed goes, I've played AC1, 2, Brotherhood, Revelations, 3, Liberation and recently IV Black Flag. I'll play Rogue and Freedom Cry later this year.