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ToolFan89 said:

Are you serious you think Biden is lesser of the two evils we need trump to make America pop again I’m not swayed by either party both evil but Biden is a puppet who sucks at even that lol at least with trump I had lots of income flying into my household tons of overtime economy is terrible inflation is extremely high in USA for everyone and u think Biden should stay in office man arnt u from Canada anyway? 

Yes, Biden is the lesser of two evils. He is that way on pretty much every metric. Better on foreign policy, better on climate change, healthcare. To be clear no, I'm not saying Biden is "good". Lots of room for improvement. 

Inflation is about changing prices. Inflation dropping to 0, does not undo the inflation that we saw over the last few years. There's a reason why bread doesn't cost 1 cent anymore, and why cars don't cost $500 anymore. In order for that to happen, you need deflation. Which is generally regarded by economists as not good.

I would say that broadly, the current state of economic affairs in the US is in a lot of ways down to Republicans messing things up, and Democrats not really doing enough to fix anything. There are quite a few trends where you can trace the US falling behind everyone else to Reagan's presidency.