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Machiavellian said:
Darc Requiem said:

I firmly believe that the United States government doesn't care what Israel does. They only care that Israel government officials are saying the quiet part out loud. They openly talk about their genocidal agenda. Words mean nothing, action does. Officials of my countries, the US, say they are "having hard conversations" with Israel. Yet when you look at their actions, they do nothing to stop Israel. In fact, they are doing all they can to stifle any repercussions for Israel at the UN. The only good thing about Israel's government being brazen with their statements is that it has given South Africa ammunition for their case against Israel in The International Court of Justice.

The only people that can stop Israel is Israel.  We can sanction, we can play diplomate, we can voice our concerns at the UN but it really all comes down to Israel.  Anyone believing that the US is going to be the savior of anyone needs to read history.  The US can barely be the savior within their own country let alone outside of their boarders.  What will stop Israel is a concerted effort by the world but the world is divided and thus Israel will always have the green light as long as they do not get overboard with their efforts. The Palestinians have to pretty much pull a Gandhi in order to get the world on their side and even then it might not be enough.

The United States can greatly reduce Israels effectiveness. 80% of Israel's arms come from the US. If the US cuts Israel off it would greatly hamper their military efforts because they'd run out munitions. Biden has circumvented Congress twice since the start of the latest conflict to approval arms sales to Israel. This isn't even including the billions of dollars of aid the US provides to Israel in general.