PixelPirate said:
Yeah sure, like Microsoft has never been wrong with strategy. They seem to be the ones disconnected with their fanbase. It is also not as if I am the only one having these doubts. Xbox brand itself is already completely dead in Europe. Which they have themselves to blame for. |
Its funny you say MS is disconnected with their fanbase because going around the web, a lot of Xbox fans I noticed to not see Hi Fi Rush and SOT going Multiplat a big deal. Its only people who seem to believe that a console needs to keep everything exclusive that have this mindset.
Who said MS strategy is right or wrong, I said that is their strategy since Phil took over. Every move Phil has done since he has taken over has been to make MS gaming hardware agnostic. From GP, to putting all first and second party games on PC and Xbox at the same time. To purchasing both Bethesda and ABK/Blizz. Its not like Phil has not shone you his strategy since he took over and nothing has changed since. Even MS stating going heavy into Mobile is another big tell that MS is looking to be hardware agnostic. What ties everything together is GP. GP can be on anything and it will be on everything MS can put it on.
MS is not concerned about the Xbox being the only hardware to play MS games, MS want everyone to have the ability to play MS games no matter what your main console is. The Xbox brand is only important to how you view the market but its not how MS view the market. GP is the brand now and Xbox is just another device that gains you access to GP.
Whether the strategy is right or wrong, we will see but MS has conmitted everything to it which is the right course of action in my book. You either go full tilt or go home. Half way measures only give you half way results.