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I don't think I've played more than three 2023 games in 2023, so I'll just rank those three:

  1. Cities: Skylines 2
  2. Assassin's Creed: Mirage
  3. Starfield

...Aand I just checked, and I guess Farthest Frontier kind of counts too, but it's Early Access since I think 2022, so perhaps not... And I'm not sure I want to rank it anyway since it doesn't have a clear place and it's not done yet. As for games released before 2023 that I only got around to playing in 2023, Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is probably the only one worth mentioning in such a good light, but I'd probably rank it lower than any of the 2023 games I listed anyway. All of the games I've mentioned are fun though, although all of them also have their flaws.