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zeldaring said:

Yea when i talk about the US im talking about the one in control. I realize most americans don't care. its just not Palestine. the US has killed millions in the middle east cause it doesn't recognize Palestinians as human beings. imagine if the US was just somewhat  fair in this  conflict 9/11 would not have happened, and the war on terror which killed over 5 million would have been prevented along with isis. 

9/11 itself was blowback for earlier meddling from the CIA and other crap during the cold war. Terrorists already tried to take the WTC down in 1993.
See the second part of this article

Hammering Arab liberation

Nowhere has Israel’s role as a watchdog for imperialist interests more benefited its sponsor than in the Middle East. Israel has been an ever-menacing hammer against the Arab countries — especially more progressive governments — that won real independence in the two decades after World War II.

Israel joined with the British and French imperialists in attacking Egypt and the new Nasser government in 1956.

Israel’s victory in the 1967 Six-Day War, when it took over the West Bank, Gaza, Golan and Sinai, was a major blow to the more progressive nationalist forces, especially in Syria and Egypt. It was after this war that the U.S.-Israel alliance became what it is today.

In the mid-1970s, Israel intervened to support the fascist elements in Lebanon’s civil war. In 1978 and 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon. In 1982, Israel occupied Beirut and carpet-bombed the capital throughout the summer. In 2006, Israel’s five-week assault on Lebanon deliberately destroyed much of the infrastructure, which had just been rebuilt after years of civil war that Israel helped fuel.

Israeli bombers destroyed an Iraqi nuclear power plant that was under construction at Osirak in 1981. This was at a time when the Iran-Iraq War was raging. The U.S. government was publicly “supporting” Iraq in its war against Iran — where the U.S.-installed Shah had been overthrown in 1979 — and did not want to take responsibility for such an extremely hostile act. As the Iran-Contra affair later revealed, the United States was supporting Iran as well as Iraq in the hopes that they would destroy each other.

In a thousand different ways, the existence of the state of Israel as an artificial and colonial state in the heart of the Arab world has profoundly distorted regional development for the benefit of imperialism, and to the detriment of the Arab and other peoples of the region. Today we are witness to frequent Israeli attacks in western Syria.

The leaders in Washington are above all businesspeople or their representatives. They are investors, who do not hand out money based on sentimentality or generosity. Sentimentality and imperialist diplomacy are mutually exclusive categories. As it has often been said, great powers have no permanent friends, only permanent interests.

It all goes back to the arrogance of the UK and France, carving up the middle East in the Sykes-Picot agreement in 1916, then the aftermath of WW2 where Russia and USA went from briefly working together to hating each other. The 'Red scare' further proliferated by the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan of 1947.

In 1949, anti-communist fear, and fear of American traitors, was aggravated by the Chinese Communists winning the Chinese Civil War against the Western-sponsored Kuomintang, their founding of the Communist China, and later China intervenes (October–December 1950) in the Korean War (1950–53) against U.S. ally South Korea

However the 'fear' of communism came earlier from the all too familiar fear of immigrants:

The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, which led many to fear that immigrants, particularly from Russia, southern Europe, and eastern Europe, intended to overthrow the United States government; The end of World War I, which caused production needs to decline and unemployment to rise.

As always, blaming immigrants for economic setbacks. Preying on people's fears to keep their support and to stay in power.

Will the cycle of fear, distrust, violence, oppression, genocide ever be broken? :/

Blame Columbus, if he had stayed home, the US would be very different today. Not colonized by the scum of Europe at the time. Although Great Britain, France, Portugal, Spain, The Netherlands, Germany, Russia, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Norway and Belgium would have still gone on colonizing to leave us the mess we have today.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 31 December 2023