Hi-Fi Rush
Now we're getting to the really good stuff
This game was a real pleasant surprise. It was shadow dropped in early 2023. It caught my attention because of the art-direction and rhythm based gameplay. It had positive reviews on steam so I thought why not give it a go? Oh am I glad I did.
The combat is super fun and engaging. With the player being rewarded for timing their attacks with the beat of the music. This just allows you to do more damage as opposed to being a requirement to succeed. You also have a dash and parry ability which also benefit from timing as well as several special attacks. the gameplay reminds me of the Patapon games from the psp which is another rhythm game action game.
Everything and everyone in this game is just bursting with personality. From the main character's idle animation to the environments that move to the beat of the music. It also has a great sense of humor along with some fun references other games. I think the reason this game resonated with me is because it reminds me of the time when big name game developers were able to make creative and wacky titles that stood out from the rest. It feels like a game from the PS2 era but more modern. These days You mostly see this kind of creativity coming from the indie scene. I hope tango gameworks definitely makes a sequel. Because i'm in love with what they've done here.