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Xbox Empire Game of the Year 2023 Voting


  1. Copy and paste the tables below and fill in your votes.
  2. Vote for as many categories as you want or are able to, leave others blank.
  3. Votes will be tallied up with your #1 choice getting 2 points and your runner-up getting 1 point
  4. You can vote for games you played on a non-Xbox platform as long as the game recieved an Xbox port in 2023. You can also vote for games you have only seen if it makes sense for you to do so (game you watched a full playthrough of, categories where you can judge without playing like graphics, art, music)
  5. Voting ends in mid-January to give you all more time to play 2023 games that you haven't got around to playing yet.

Category Winner Runner-Up
Best Shooter
Best Action
Best Action-Adventure
Best RPG
Best Platformer
Best Fighting/Brawler/Beat 'em Up
Best Sports/Racing
Best Sim/Strategy Game
Best Horror
Best Story/Writing
Best Graphics
Best Art Design
Best Audio Design
Best Soundtrack
Best Performance (Actor/Actress)
Best Multiplayer/Online Play
Best Singleplayer
Best Indie
Best Gamepass Addition
Best Ongoing Game
Best Family Game
Best Studio
Best Xbox Ecosystem Exclusive
Most Anticipated Multiplat
Most Anticipated Xbox Ecosystem Exclusive
Overall Game of the Year

2023 Ratings

Category Rating
Age of Empires 2 DE
GoldenEye 007
HiFi Rush
Minecraft Legends
Age of Empires 4
GhostWire Tokyo
Quake 2 HD
Forza Motorsport
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3
Killer Instinct Anniversary Edition
Gamepass (overall state of 2023's Gamepass catalog)
Overall Software (overall state of Xbox First Party)
Overall Hardware (new hardware, accessories, bundles, deals)
Overall Announcements (showcases, game reveals, etc.)
Overall Xbox 2023 rating

Previous Year Results









Ballots So Far




Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 10 January 2024