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zeldaring said:
SvennoJ said:

Try Owen Jones, Democracy Now, The Majority Report.

I follow CNN live feed along side Al Jazeera's live feed, comparing the two and googling different iterations of the same headlines.
The Guardian has good reporting as well, and of course there are all the official channels UN, WHO, MSF, Unicef, Amnesty International, UNWRA and so on. Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor also keeps good track of what's going on.

One thing this war doesn't suffer from is global attention, there are tons of sources to look to before heading to you tube.

You don't need to be pro/anti West/East, neither have any morals in their policies and serve their own interests first.

Russia used its veto to block UN resolutions regarding Israel-Hamas war just as the US did. Russia doesn't want to condemn Hamas and is using the situation to get the focus away from Ukraine and its working. US congress has now delayed further funding for aid to Ukraine.

And sure, the US isn't just helping Ukraine out of empathy or doing the right thing. It is also to weaken Russia. And for good reason, a maniacal leader sending hundreds of thousands of drafted troops to their death, trying to wipe Ukraine off the map for his legacy.

However the intent was not to attack Russia. The intent has always been to deter Russia from invading sovereign countries at will. Actually the US is restricting the use of its weapons in the Ukraine war unlike its military aid to Israel.

If global super powers actually had some morals they would have stepped in in the (still ongoing) Rohingya genocide.

And don't expect anything from China which is currently practicing its own genocide, Uyghur genocide in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

It's a sad world we live in

Global powers don't see people as human beings period, their own citizens included.

why would russia trust what the US intent was since they invade and bully so many countries no one has started more wars and invaded then the US. John Mearsheimer Said 6 years ago if US pushes the Ukraine to Nato it would be the destruction of Ukraine. you are right all super powers are evil.

Russia themselves don't even believe that America was going to attack them, c'mon now. It's straight up Russian propaganda fed to the domestic audience, Lol. Russia contradicts itself time and time again on the reasons (which they've gave over a dozen different ones) why they invaded Ukraine. It has ranged from "Ukraine has Nazis" to "Ukraine was going to attack us first" to "Ukraine was about to join NATO" to "Ukraine was making nukes and/or biological weapons" to "Ukraine doesn't technically exist/we never legally gave Ukraine up, therefore it's ours"

Russia has a long history of brutality, from allying themselves with Nazi Germany (until it no longer benefited them) to Soviet-Afghan War to the First Chechen War, to the Second Chechen, to illegally and forcefully stealing Crimea from Ukraine, to the horrific shit which Russia does in Syria in aid of Assad and the horrific shit which Wagner gets up to in African countries with Russia's full backing. To aiding, encouraging separatists in Abkhazia, South Ossetia to breakaway from Georgia and Transnistria to breakaway from Moldova with the aid of Russia to eventually invading the whole of Ukraine and trying to genocide them.

We even had Russian military officers with writing on their graves stating they were involved in the Donbas war...Despite Russia claiming to not be involved but now Russia doesn't seem to care about keeping that lie up. They cause a little bit of infighting in a country and then when the Russian backed group ask for "help" Russia sends in the "help" and pretends to be "peacemaker" until Russia eventually decides it wants to rest of the land, as it did with Chechnya, Ukraine and as it will do with Georgia and Moldova next if they defeat Ukraine.

The USA does not control NATO, once again we're seeing American arrogance on display, America cannot even convince NATO countries to help them out in the Red Sea. Consistently does European countries go against America's wishes because we're all independent countries at the end of the day with our own thoughts. It was Germany (and I think a couple others) who was blocking Ukraine from being able to join NATO in the first place and once again, Ukraine was absolutely NOWHERE near to joining NATO, it's a process which takes years.

Every single country in NATO has to approve Ukraine joining as well, it only takes one no out of 31 to block Ukraine from being able to join, that is 31 countries with equal say as each other and at the end of the day, nobody was letting Ukraine join as long as they were in an active conflict, a conflict which was created thanks to Russia.