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zeldaring said:


Ryuu96 said:


The main guys i watch for the gaza war that mention Ukraine are norman finkelstein, John Mearsheimer, scott ritter and macregor they all seem pro russia but it's hard to be  pro west with how they are supporting genocide of children they have lost all creditability to anyone that actually  sees muslims as human beings. the fact that US is intent on funding the Ukraine war when they really don't have any moral compass makes me think that the intent was to attack Russia. 

John Mearsheimer's latest book straight up thanked a Russian-based think tank which provided funding for his research, a think tank which is described as being a "Putin-approved" organisation, Lol. John Mearsheimer is the classic example of one of those hypocritical people I was talking about, those who criticise America's imperialism but make excuses for Russia's.

Fine, don't be pro-west but instead be pro-Ukraine. Once again, Ukraine is its own independent country, which makes its own choices and is being illegally invaded by a much more powerful country in an attempted land-grab and genocide but Russia uses excuses such as NATO in order to rile up the nationalistic domestic audience.

It's easier to sell to an audience that "we're invading Ukraine because NATO/the West wants us dead! Everyone is against us! Glory to Russia!" over the actual truth which is "we're invading Ukraine and sending you all to your deaths because I want a land grab, more resources and to stamp my name in the history books as restoring Russia to its former glory"

And sure, I can agree that the reason why USA is helping Ukraine is likely more to do with benefitting themselves over any morality concerns but I honestly couldn't care less why they are doing it, as long as they are doing it, because ultimately helping Ukraine is the right thing to do, no matter the motive behind it. Yes, USA probably wants Russia weakened and removed from the board as a threat and ultimately pushed away from Europe.

And I would want to see that too, Russia is ran by an awful leader but not just Putin, the whole of Russia's political system is rotten to the core, it's the same Russia as it was a 100 years ago, they still think they can take what they want, do what they want, hurt whoever they want and they don't try to even hide the fact that they would love nothing more than to see Europe in flames, our allies and millions of innocent people.

Same way I want us to get away from Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc. I want Europe to never return to having to rely on Russia again.

I do not believe Russia will change in my lifetime, it will require a total and utter defeat, it took Japan and Germany being utterly crushed and occupied by allied forces post-war to change their society around, something like that cannot happen in 2023 because everyone has nukes now, and so in order for Russia to change it will have to be a slow process that comes from the inside.

Russia is acting today like Nazi Germany.

Even still, America's intent was not to attack Russia and I don't get why you keep repeating that, I don't understand what you even mean, attack Russia how? Attack Russia through Ukraine? Ukraine was on paper massively weaker than Russia, American politicians and military experts all believed that Ukraine would lose within a week and Kyiv would be taken.

The President of the United States even offered to get Zelenskyy out of the country because they believed Kyiv was going to fall.

America full well believed at the beginning that Ukraine would lose and it would be a quick loss so how does it make sense that America was planning on attacking Russia through Ukraine? And again, Ukraine is an independent country, it does what it wants, America does not tell it what to do, if America stopped supporting Ukraine tomorrow, Ukraine will continue to fight.

They're fighting for their land, for their homes, for their families, for their country, for their lives.

If America wanted to attack Russia directly then what are they waiting for? Lol. Nobody wants to pick a fight with a nuclear capable country though. Even in their attempts to help Ukraine, they've enforced restrictions onto Ukraine and refused to give Ukraine certain weaponry or took months of deliberations to do so, it was the UK which had to break the taboo on sending MBTs and long-range missiles before anyone else could.

Even still, America refuses to send Ukraine some things, such as the very best version of ATACMS missile, Germany refuses to send Taurus over fears that Ukraine could use it to destroy the Kerch Bridge. The West shows fear still time and time again in supplying Ukraine with what it needs. Even before the war, the West (including America) consistently ignored Russia's horrific acts in order to try peace (and money).

The West simply wants Russia to stop invading everyone, especially on their backdoor and even more so because Russia keeps using migrants as a weapon against Europe to apply pressure. I'd in fact argue that many in the West are hoping still that Putin sees sense, pulls his troops out and I would not be surprised (but I would be pissed off) if everyone just went back to business as usual with Russia.

The West begged Russia not to go through with this.

Imo, I also believe the West is afraid of a quick collapse of Russia internally and would rather it happened slowly or not at all.

Ukraine has even in the past been told that they aren't allowed to use Western equipment on Russian soil, they can't attack Russian land using Western equipment, even if it's a viable military target, it is a restriction which I find bullshit. They also have other restrictions which I agree with, such as Ukraine is not allowed to use American cluster munitions on cities (Ukrainian cities which are Russian held currently).

Israel has none of these restrictions it seems.