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The Game of the Decade for the 2010's is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
The runner up is The Last of Us.
The master thread for all of these contests can be found here.

The 2010's are the final full decade.  You've already chosen a Game of the Year, for each year in the 2010's.  Now choose the game that you believe is most deserving of the title, "Game of the Decade" from among the ten winners.  Also, please state why you think that game deserves the title of "Game of the Decade".  Here are the candidates:

Super Mario Galaxy 2 (2010, Wii)
Dark Souls (2011, PS3/XBox 360)
Journey (2012, PS3)
The Last of Us (2013, PS3)
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (2014, Wii U)
The Witcher 3 (2015, PS4/XB1/PC)
Doom (2016, PS4/XB1/PC)
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017, Switch/Wii U)
Super Smash Bros Ultimate (2018, Switch)
Resident Evil 2 (Remake) (2019, PS4/XB1/PC)

Official voting for the 2010's Game of the Decade will end Wednesday, December 27 at 11:59 PM, EST.

Last edited by The_Liquid_Laser - on 28 December 2023