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Well I guess, it's obvious I won't be able to catch up this far into the month so I'll just post stuff about new titles and replayed titles.

#46: Risk of Rain Returns: This remake is very faithful to the original keeping the gameplay loop intact but adding more characters, alternate moves, a cool trials mode, better graphics and new enemies. The original was already on my list but this revamped version move it up a bit even though the game is kicking my ass!

#38: Resident Evil 4 Remake: I was hesitant at first. The original being so high up on my list I can be very difficult when it comes to changes made to it but I'm happy to report Capcom did not screw things up with this remake (like they did with 3). I got used to having destructible knives and the additional crafting components added to the series since RE7 are a welcomed addition. The game looks beautiful, the atmosphere is superb and it respects the foundation of RE4 enough that it can't help but be an incredible game.

#35: Sea of Stars: Sabotage Studios are developers from Quebec City, so they get "hometown" extra points right off the bat but they also managed to put out two great games: The Messenger in 2018 and Sea of Stars this year. The game is a homage to some of my favorites like Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG, this game features gorgeous pixel art, an excellent soundtrack, fun and tactical turn-based combat and a heartwarming story. I've played this game to a 100% and screenshotted my name in the credits in the backers section.

#33: Chained Echoes: Another retro inspired RPG, Chained Echoes consumed my Holiday break last year. A little more complex than Sea of Stars but still very accessible, the game feature an ingenious battle system where as you use moves you reach an Overdrive state where you're much more effective but push it too far and you'll end up getting hit for double damage. The game is everything great about 16bit era RPGs but with so many quality of life changes that make it so enjoyable. My favorite would be getting full TP (think MP) for every single fight, this mean you actually get to use you cool moves all you want and also that regular fights are not boring pushover fights. About half-way through the game you also get a whole new way of fighting which also shakes up exploration. To think this game is the work of one guy is mindboggling.  

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