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XtremeBG said:
curl-6 said:

Why do you care so much if someone else makes a positive comment?

How does it impact you at all if somebody you'll never meet posts something on an online forum that you don't agree with?

Getting so worked up about it isn't healthy. It's only video games. It's a hobby that's supposed to be fun, not something to actually get upset over.

I don't care. You care .. obviously. For me it's only annoying, seeing after every single article or post, even when the Switch is on decline, how you always rotate it so it look positive. And I just give you the rotation back to the real situation.

And what does meeting have to do with this ? I am not impacted. For me to post I have to be impacted ? It's just annoying when whatever happens you are always optimistic. Other people also love the Switch and praise it. Me too when it was in it's peak. But I haven't see anyone else telling on the black - white. Whatever. I wouldn't go so much into explanation, but your comment make me to . And I am not getting worked up or something .. I don't know why you think so. Of course it's videogames. You have different view obviously about how things are..

And I will say it again. I just said the reality that will happen. I don't know why you even reacted, commented back or started discussion .. It is obvious, and it's normal. No one is taking anything from your favorite system.

There's no need to get annoyed over it. It's just a stranger's opinion, on a niche video game forum. Just disregard it.