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Final Fantasy IV Pixel Remaster or Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remasters as far as 2D Final Fantasy goes - go with the PS4/NS versions instead of the PC version due to the console versions having QoL features like no encounter, exp/money boosts).

Final Fantasy VII (OG) or Final Fantasy IX as far as 3D goes

Final Fantasy X for modern style 3D FF.

FF1 (NS, PS4 and PC - but play them on NS and PS4 due to the QoL features) - avoid for now due to its simple and outdated playstyle, its worth visiting but only after you play the good ones
FF2  (NS, PS4 and PC - but play them on NS and PS4 due to the QoL features) - one of the last games to play, the gameplay is for advanced players
FF3 (NS, PS4 and PC - but play them on NS and PS4 due to the QoL features) - the pixel remaster version is ideal because there is quick save, any other version including the 3D remakes, the 2nd half of the game has a higher difficulty rating
FF5 - like FF3 but much easier

Whatever you do with the first six Final Fantasy games, the Pixel remasters are the way to go - makes grinding easier, the map system shows you were the treasures are along with the paths to take, and the new special effects/remixed music is simply amazing. Just make sure you get them on either Playstation or Switch because the PC versions lack the QoL features, I'm hoping they add those in the future but when it comes to making patches for the PC versions, SE tends to take their time.

FF8 - leave this one as one of the last games to play alongside 2 due to its gameplay system - on top of the unique junction system which can either break the game in a good or bad way, the enemy scaling, the money and equipment system, etc
FF10-2 - avoid it if you want
FF12 - play the rest of the good ones, good to pick up but can be overwhelming at times like FFXV's open world

Bravely Default - all Final Fantasy except for the name, unfortunately the only one you can play is Bravely Default 2 unless you emulate the first one and Bravely Second.
Final Fantasy Tactics - if you enjoy SRPG games
Final Fantasy Explorers - if you want a Monster Hunter based Final Fantasy - only able to emulate at this point
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered - a dungeon crawler with action RPG elements, simple story and focused more on Co-op style play
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - plays more like Dragon Quest but not as good as other FF games, only playable through emulation on SNES emulator
Final Fantasy Type-0 - avoid it, not really worth playing, the gameplay is a mess along with the story
Final Fantasy Dissidia series - the PSP games are the best in terms of gameplay and story but the latest game Dissidia NT is a mess , online is dead and the SP is barebones compared to the PSP games

As for FF13 - its worth playing it again imo, yes the story and characters are a mixed bag, but the gameplay and music is great. The sequel (FFXIII-2) is a better game in all aspects. Cant say much about LR - its like Roguelite type style of RPG like Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter (where you have a limited amount of time).

FF15 too should also be revisited, the patches and changes they did with the Royal Edition makes it superior to the original release (Party member change, new quests, items, DLC, etc). If you dont want to play the original FFXV, then play the Pocket Edition (PS4, Xbox, NS) which is more simple than the original version.

Yes, you should play Final Fantasy VII Original version before playing the remake because

there are two timelines in the FF7 Universe. Remake's timeline is an alternative timeline from the original FF7. The characters, the interactions and the events are different from each other - similar but lead to different roads. This is referenced in last part of the remake and will likely go deeper into Rebirth (the trailer for Rebirth teases it too).

The order of FFVII media you should play/watch is...

Final Fantasy VII (PS4, Xbox, NS, PC)
Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core (PS4, Xbox, NS, PC)
Final Fantasy VII The Last Order (anime that goes hand in hand with Crisis Core)
Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (the movie)
Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus (not really needed but some of the characters appear in VII Remake Intergrade)
Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade (PS5, PC)
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (PS5)

Note - FFVII Before Crisis has some good storyline points (mainly about The Turks group - but I'm sure you can just search in youtube for scenes since it was a Japanese only Mobile game).

Last edited by BasilZero - on 16 December 2023