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I'll post my predictions for the first year:

3D Mario
I think 3D Mario makes the most sense as a launch title. They'll want a big IP for launch and a new Zelda game is still a few years away. Probably open world, something that will make a splash and sell consoles.

Mario Kart 9
Mario Kart has almost always been one of the early titles for Nintendo's systems. With the franchise being bigger than ever, I think they'll want to make sure Mario Kart will be on the new system in the first year.

Something Zelda
Obviously, Zelda is a huge franchise for Nintendo. I think there'll be something Zelda related in the first 12 months: That could be a BotW + TotK remake bundle to show off the power of the new system (60fps, running at 1440p or 4k resolution, higher draw distance, shorter loading times, etc.). It could also be a Zelda collection consisting of Wind Waker 4K, Twilight Princes 4K and Skyward Sword 4K (or the N64 titles). Or maybe a fully-fledged remake of Ocarina of Time, made from the ground up.

Smash Bros. Ultimate Deluxe
With Smash Ultimate being hard to follow up, maybe Nintendo will want to remake the game: 4K, maybe 120fps, including all the previously released DLC and maybe a new fighter pack. They could remake some graphical details, add a few additional modes, etc. Ultimate is, well, pretty much the ultimate Smash game. And I think remaking it and waiting a few more years before releasing a true sequel would be a sound plan.

Metroid Prime 4
At this point, I think Prime 4 is a Switch 2 game. It also shouldn't take much longer for the game to be revealed. Expecting this to drop before the end of 2025.