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The_Liquid_Laser said:

Don't be so sure about that.  I can only speak about my personal taste, but I would actually be much happier if the narrative were removed from most games.  Also, I don't need to control a male character when I play a game.  To me Laura Croft is just as good as Nathan Drake and I don't really care about the story of either one.  Of all the of the GOTY winners for this decade, my favorite is easily Dark Souls, where you can pick the look of your character (including gender) and you don't have to pay attention to the story if you don't want to.

I don't play most video games for the story, and for the games where I do, like Final Fantasy, I see the story as being about the ensemble and not the character I am personally controlling.  If I were controlling Yuna during FFX instead of Tidus, then I would enjoy the game just as much.

HoloDust said:

Honestly, still not sure where you're going with this, but personally, who plays the lead in the game is by far the least important thing to me and always was.
I.e., at one point at the time, one of my favourite genres, P&C adventure games, started featuring almost exclusively female leads - I think it started with The Longest Journey as being a smash hit, and then carried on to Syberia, Still Life, Secret Files...again, personally, zero fucks given, and all of those IPs are very dear to me.

In games, I always look at gameplay, then setting, then story. Who I move on the screen is of infinitely small importance for me.

P.S. The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula Le Guin has actual sentient hermaphrodite species (actually they are neutral, and then once a month become either male or female - I read the book some 35+ years ago, so it's a bit fuzzy).

Oh for shit sakes. You know what, I don't have the energy for this today. *Edits* There. The offending line is gone. You win. Be happy.