Shtinamin_ said:
Agreed, if Retro Studios is able to make a FUN, game with wonderful things that make it amazing. And local & Online multiplayer. It can sell a couple million very easily. It’s odd to me how many I’ve seen assume that 3D Mario is a launch title when it’s almost never been the case in Nintendo history. In fact, 6-8 months is by far the most common gap between launch and a new 3D Mario title historically, with it taking all the way up to 1 full year in the case of the Wii. Few reasons I think Kart makes way more sense as the big launch title: 1) it’s been literally a decade next year since we got a new one. Even Odyssey isn’t that old. 2) I think Nintendo will try to replicate the Switch launch, meaning March release with a Mario Kart and a “core gamer” killer app (MP4 instead of BotW this time) at launch then 3D Mario for that holiday. Exactly like the Switch launch. And 3) Kart is simply a way bigger seller, Nintendo will want to do everything they can to get the massive Switch base to start jumping over, which won’t be easy. |