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NightF0x73 said:

How do you feel guys with Series Sales ?

I've been an Xbox 360 gamer since the beginning, and this console was part of my childhood and adolescence. I have a special attachment to the brand with the green X.

But when I see that the Series isn't doing as well as the One, even though I think they're much better machines, as well as the 35% drop in sales in the EU when Starfield was released, I'm afraid of one thing.

That Microsoft will go full PC and abandon consoles for good. I'm starting to get used to them between Kinect, Azure Kinect, Windows Phones, it's a lot.
Obviously, if that happens, it'll be time for me to build myself a war PC so I can continue to enjoy gamepass, but that would be a big turning point...

I hope I'm being pessimistic.

What is your feeling about it?

I think Xbox Series isn't selling as well as many hoped it would. Xbox has fixed so many of the issues that plagued Xbox One, from the hardware itself having lackluster specs, to the tiny first party last gen, but so far Xbox Series sales are at best trending along the same path as Xbox One, and here recently, even lower than Xbox One. The early gen supply issues affecting Xbox longer than Sony really killed it's momentum and set Xbox Series on a downward trend. Starfield wasn't quite the system seller many hoped it would be, partially because of the game's actual shortcomings and partly because of the barrage of media attacks on the game. Right now the future isn't looking too bright for Xbox Series, November sales were only slightly up by 3% over last year in the UK, while US November sales were apparently down by over 20% YoY, in spite of Xbox having killer US Black Friday deals, and Xbox needed to be up by about 25% YoY this Holiday to stay ahead of Xbox One launch aligned I believe. About the only glimmer of hope I see for Xbox Series at least outselling Xbox One this gen is the fact that next year's CoD and all CoD's after that can be bundled with Xbox Series consoles in Holiday bundle deals and will be day one Gamepass, which could give the console some much needed sales momentum with CoD casuals potentially. 

I don't think they plan to abandon consoles and go PC only though, it doesn't really make sense for them to do that since PC Gamepass and Microsoft Store haven't taken off as well as they hoped it would, Valve has a stranglehold on the PC market that really prevents any competition with them, just ask Epic who have wasted billions trying to steal just a tiny piece of the PC marketshare pie from Valve. I think new Xbox console hardware is coming.

I think it's pretty telling that we have a leaker that is known to be pretty reliable suggesting that Xbox is planning to cut their losses and end this generation early. If he is to be believed, Xbox Next could potentially release in 2026 or 2027, earlier than the 2028 from the ABK court case document leak. It definitely feels like Xbox knows that key exclusives and higher hardware production numbers were too late this gen to turn it's sales around, and feel like it is smarter for them to start next gen early, presumably with a 1 year headstart over PS6. 

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 14 December 2023