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sundin13 said:

Just to mention something that happened in the States real quick, New York has officially thrown out their Congressional map. For those who were watching during redistricting, their previous map was notable by just how disastrous it was for Democrats. Basically there was a big fight and NY's highest court said "This is a partisan gerrymander" and gave it to someone who made NY a lot more red. A bunch has happened since then and the court has turned bluer (the fact that it was ever red is a monumental failure of NY Dems) and they have torn up the last map and said they were probably not going to do anything about future partisan gerrymanders.

So what does that mean? Well, on its own, this could flip enough house seats to give the Dems the House. We'll have to see how the final maps look, but a swing of 5-6 seats seems pretty dang likely. Definitely worth watching if your interested in the "inside baseball" side of US politics.

So what I'm hearing is that by redrawing they have an opportunity to dilute the black voters (along as in the other states that have been told to redraw).

This has been the pattern when Democrats redraw the Congressional Maps.

I think we need a 3rd party that isn't persuaded by money or politics to redraw the Congressional Maps, and they aren't shown any color of their redrawing until after they submit it. I think this would be the most equal way to ensure no one is trying to out do the other.

I dont like that America is a (basically) two-party political system. It causes too much hatred in America.

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"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.