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NoLimitVito said:

Funny how the only games that counts now has to be made specifically by first party studio but just last generation 3rd party exclusives like tomb raider, sun set overdrive, dead rising 4 and many more was counted and was brag worthy. The goal post keeps moving lol.

Feels like you're making some revisionist history.  Pre-Mojang MS was often denigrated for those moves to fill up their weak 1st-party roster of a given year.  Granted, it's not like Sony's 1st party is in the same state as that, but these kinds of slapfights are indicative of the saying "what goes around comes around."

EDIT: Not that it's good to continue a dumb argument cycle per se.  If Ninty, Sony, or MS net some sweetheart publishing deal for timed or full exclusivity and it makes gamers salivate?  Then, they're succeeding at their job.  Layering on 2nd or 3rd party labels is just empty flexing at that point.  

Last edited by coolbeans - on 13 December 2023