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Some background on Hasbara, or why you shouldn't take anything the IDF or Israel says at face value.

And that now includes Biden, Blinken and Kerby as well as they parrot (regularly proven) lies without hesitation.
This video is from 7 months ago btw, and it's all playing out exactly as described...

The Ministry of Truth in action.

US President Joe Biden on Monday night touted his unshakeable support for “the safety of the Jewish people and the security of Israel and its right to exist” in the wake of the Hamas terror attacks of October 7.

The president pointed to his support for Israel, while acknowledging daylight on issues between himself and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, joking that he had once told the Israeli leader: “I love you, but I don’t agree with a damn thing you have to say.” He added: “It’s about the same today.” 

Still, Biden said in remarks marking the fifth night of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah that Israel was in “a tough spot,” following the Hamas attack and subsequent war in Gaza.

 “We’ll continue to provide military assistance to Israel until they get rid of Hamas, but we have to be careful — they have to be careful,” Biden said. “The whole world’s public opinion can shift overnight, we can’t let that happen.

The president also hailed the work his administration has done to secure the release of hostages still held in Gaza and the delivery of humanitarian aid to the region.

US concern is not the escalating humanitarian disaster, ongoing genocide, mass civilian deaths, it's whether they can keep public opinion under control.

And the EU response

The European Union’s foreign policy chief says the EU will work on introducing sanctions against Jewish settlers who commit acts of violence against Palestinians in the West Bank.

Last week, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced a new visa restriction policy targeting “individuals believed to have been involved in undermining peace, security, or stability in the West Bank, including through committing acts of violence or taking other actions that unduly restrict civilians’ access to essential services and basic necessities."

The State Department will be able to apply the policy to both Israelis and Palestinians who are responsible for attacks in the West Bank, Blinken said.

According to the Reuters news agency, Borrell did not give details of possible EU sanctions, but the news agency said officials believed it would also involve travel bans to the EU. 

WTF, travel bans to the US/EU? They're settlers, there to drive Palestinians out of their houses and off their land, backed by the IDF, to claim/colonize the land for themselves. Wth would they care about not getting a travel visa to the US/EU.

That while Europe has a perfectly good example how to de-escalate a colonization conflict. When I grew up IRA bombings in London were reported on about as much as PLO bombings in Israel. The IRA declared Ceasefire in 1994, Good Friday Agreement in 1998
and eventually

One war ended, the other just kept escalating

It's no wonder Ireland (together with Spain, Belgium and Malta) are demanding a ceasefire, and is regularly getting into spats with Israel.

There is a way towards peace, yet every day this goes on it slips further and further out of reach.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 11 December 2023