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Bofferbrauer2 said:
Amnesia said:

Are you still a lot here to really believe that MP4 was reported because the first draft quality was disappointing?

This game was going to be ridiculous on Switch compared to the current gen, so they have cancelled the Switch release to upgrade it dramatically to have a strong technical demonstration on the next console.

I believe MP4 will be cross-platform between the Switch and it's successor, similar to how Breath of the Wild (Wii U + Switch) and Twilight Princess (Gamecube + Wii) were released - though I expect a bigger visual difference between the Switch version and it's successor's version than on those two examples.

In the history of Nintendo, there has only been one console with a launch title that wasn't a Mario-related title or a Legend of Zelda title, and there has never been a Metroid game as a Nintendo console launch title.
Color TV-Game 6- Light Tennis
NES- Super Mario Bros.
SNES- Super Mario World
Nintendo Virtual Boy- Mario's Tennis
Nintendo 64- Super Mario 64
Nintendo Gamecube- Luigi's Mansion
Nintendo Wii- Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess & Wii Sports
Nintendo WiiU- New Super Mario Bros. U
Nintendo Switch- Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Out of the handhelds it's been a 50/50:
Gameboy- Super Mario Land
Gameboy Advance- F-Zero Maximum Velocity
DS- Super Mario 64 DS
3DS- Pilotwings: Resort

The first two big game franchises that Nintendo released was Super Mario and Legend of Zelda, those are their babies, hence why we are getting a Legend of Zelda Movie right after the success of the Super Mario Bros. Movie, so based on this I expect to see a huge Legend of Zelda game to come out the same year the movie does (sometime before 2027).
Nintendo won't be returning to a home console and handheld situation, they will be sticking with the hybrid model. And based on the pattern we see from Gamecube to now, I will make the assumption that the launch title for the NG will be a new 3-D Mario Adventure.

Now, Nintendo could do what Nintendo does best and innovate. They could release two or three big Nintendo game franchises at the same time. Metroid Prime 4, 3D Mario Adventure, and Experimental. But the only one that would be recognized as the dedicated launch title will the 3D Mario Adventure.

MP4 was being worked on by Konami back in 2017, and announced that they scrapped the whole thing back in January of 2019. So it has been 4 years almost 5 since then. And a very reliable source, PapaGenos has given information regarding its timeline on where Retro Studio stand with MP4. He "reported on the Gaming Leaks and Rumors subreddit, the development of the fourth entry in the series is basically done and has been for a good while."
The reason why it isn't released yet is because the cutscenes have been deemed to be very bad in quality.
The game is essentially done and requires a bit more rendering, it will be out soon.

Will I be disappointed if MP4 releases on the NG? No. Will I be disappointed if MP4 releases on the Switch? No. Nintendo knows what they want, and their developers are still focusing on the Switch (with a couple starting to develop NG games according to the rumor that multiple developers have their hands on NG dev kits).

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.