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BasilZero said:

Between the two - DS.

Although the GBA had a better library of games third party wise - first party on the DS was pretty damn good and the third party wasnt too bad.

Also b/c with GBA games on DS.


I always heard the opposite for DS. Some people felt the Nintendo support on it kinda sucked compared to the third party stuff.

I can see where they were coming from in terms of the core Nintendo series. Super Mario 64 DS was a solid remake gimped by a lack of a traditional analog control, the touch based Zelda games weren't for everyone, Golden Sun Dark Dawn dissapointed, Metroid Prime Hunters was great shooter but also wasn't a proper Metroid either. Star Fox was kinda lacking, No F-Zero, no new Fire Emblem (just remakes), No 2D Metroid, and NSMB got old quickly due to the stagnation of its sequels.

However, I think first party on the DS makes up for it with a slew of New IP from Nintendo like Nintendogs, Brain Age, Style Savvy, and Ouendan/EBA, etc. and Experimental takes on established franchises like Kirby Canvas Curse, Super Princess Peach, and Advance Wars: Days of Ruin. But I think the GBA had overall better quality on the Nintendo side.

For third party support, I'd say it's an even match up between GBA and DS. Both had the best third party support on a Nintendo system for their time since the SNES (at least until the Switch), and some DS fans will argue that third parties often upstaged Nintendo themselves on the console (which is typically unheard of). But for every notable third party franchise the GBA had, the DS had at least one that could match it. I'd give a slight edge to the DS, but both were very strong in this category.

Last edited by TheMisterManGuy - on 11 December 2023