drbunnig said:
S.Peelman said: #23: Features bosses that are named after musicians.
#21: At first the designers of this game had a male protagonist in mind. But after they noticed it got a little too much like a certain famous spy-movie franchise they changed the protagonist to female. |
23 is Super Mario World? 21 is No One Lives Forever I think? |
21 is absolutely right!
23 is almost right, but I made a hint that could apply to a bunch of games in the series, so that was mean. It's not World, but...
Darashiva said:
S.Peelman said:
Alright then, let's continue. First hints for the next batch; #25: The original game in this series was named after the evil weapon, but this well-received sequel, and the series thereafter, was named after the good one.
25: Soul Calibur |
Also correct.