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Cyran said:

I don't disagree big picture but I add some clarification since it not clear from what you wrote

District Manipulation affects the House of Representatives but not the Senate or Presidency.  It still a big problem and have a horrible affect on the make up the house and who serves in the house.  You get extremes on both sides because they are in districts that they cant loose so there no reason to appeal to anyone but there base.  Who ever get the most votes do always win but who allowed to vote in each house election is great effective.

Senate is always state wide elections so in this case who every get the most votes do win.

Finally the presidency uses the electoral college.  Most states winner take all electoral vote for the state.  every 10 year the census determine how many electoral votes each states get.  This is where you can win the popular vote but not the electoral college because whether you get 51% or 99% of the state votes you get the same number of electoral college votes.  There a few states that not exactly winner take all but most states are.  District manipulations through have 0 effect on this because the electoral college votes for the state is base on the entire state popular vote and it don't matter what district the vote come from.

Ah thanks for the clarification. I wondered about how these districts could impact state vote outcome, they can't :) Now it makes a lot more sense why the House of Representatives and Senate have such different ratios. Yeah you can't alter state boundaries. Afaik lol.

Apparently you can be (temporarily) registered to vote in multiple states
Of course it's illegal to actually vote in multiple states, dunno if it's illegal to vote in your old state if you feel your vote would have more impact there... 2.75 million double registrations (2012) is quite a few swing votes!