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Israel is on a roll, blaming UNWRA, picking a fight with the WHO, revoking the visa of Lynn Hastings (UN Humanitarian coordinator) calling the UN biased.

USA fares no better

The US House of Representatives has passed a resolution that explicitly labels anti-Zionism as antisemitism, after warnings from senior Jewish members of Congress and opponents of the measure who fear that it dangerously conflates criticism of Israel with anti-Jewish attacks amid Israel’s siege of Gaza.

The measure passed the House on Tuesday with support from 311 House lawmakers, including 95 Democratic members. There were only 14 votes against the resolution. Ninety-two members voted “present”.

Democratic US Rep Jerry Nadler of New York, the most senior Jewish member of the House, called the measure “another attempt in a long series of veiled efforts by the GOP to weaponise Jewish lives for political gains” in his remarks from the House floor on Monday night.

House Resolution 894 “clearly and firmly states that anti-Zionism is antisemitism,” creating a definition that opponents warn could strike at First Amendment protections while broadly smearing support for Palestine or criticism of Israel as an anti-Jewish attack. Critics have also argued that codifying support for Zionism and tying one’s religion to a government is itself antisemitic, and could feed anti-Jewish hate.

The House passed a Republican-led resolution on Tuesday condemning antisemitism in the United States and globally.

A number of Democrats, however, expressed concern that the language of the GOP resolution is overly broad and would effectively define any criticism of the Israeli government or its policies as antisemitism. The vote was 311 to 14.

Ninety-two Democrats voted “present,” and 13 Democrats and one Republican voted against the resolution.

In remarks on the House floor, Nadler pointed to language in the GOP resolution stating that “anti-Zionism is antisemitism. That is either intellectually disingenuous or just factually wrong,” he said. “The authors, if they were at all familiar with Jewish history and culture, should know about Jewish anti-Zionism that was, and is, expressly not antisemitic,” he said. “Most anti-Zionism, particularly in this moment, has a real antisemitism problem. But we cannot fairly say that one equals the other,” he said.

Of course CNN combines this with the still unproven allegations of rape during the incursion on Oct 7.
(Despite thousands of hours of footage available from CCTV, dash cams and body armor cams from Oct 7. And all there is are some 'witness' statements)

Separately, two House Democrats are planning on introducing a resolution this week condemning Hamas’ use of sexual violence and rape against Israeli women. Democratic Rep. Lois Frankel of Florida has begun drafting the resolution, a Democratic lawmaker familiar with the plans told CNN.

A source familiar with Frankel’s thinking told CNN combating rape as a weapon of war is a long-standing priority for the congresswoman and the resolution was not drafted as a response to any comments made by other members.

It's not that it could have happened, yet this is just another distraction tactic from the unfolding genocide. Keep the focus on Oct 7 and on what should happen after the war is over, just don't look at what's happening right now. And CNN stating it as fact, with other news agencies copying CNN's 'facts'.

The CNN report represents a serious breach of professional conduct, which we detail in this piece. The most concerning aspect of the report is the fact that every single witness and “expert” in the CNN report proves to either be lacking in credibility or have ties to Israeli government officials and institutions. A deeper examination of the CNN report shows a series of manipulations and professional failures, including the fact that all witnesses that CNN claims to have “found” were featured in previous reports pitched and coordinated by the Israeli government, calling into question how much original reporting or fact-finding went into the CNN report. CNN’s failure to adhere to professional and ethical standards of responsible journalism also raises questions regarding CNN’s possible complicity with a political campaign orchestrated by the Israeli Prime Minister’s office to perpetuate unverified claims of mass rape, and a larger effort to dehumanize Palestinians in order to justify the ongoing genocidal campaign in Gaza.

And every time the atrocities become overwhelming, back to Oct 7 again and dehumanizing Palestinians

US officials expect the current phase of Israel’s ground invasion of Gaza targeting the southern end of the strip to last several weeks before Israel transitions, possibly by January, to a lower-intensity, hyper-localized strategy that narrowly targets specific Hamas militants and leaders, multiple senior administration officials tell CNN.

Too late. Ceasefire needs to happen now.

It's clear Israel is not heeding any of US' warnings and has only been bombing more. In another month there will be little left, probably exactly as planned.

Israel has already killed more people than live in my town (over 16,000 now). Hard to imagine, every single person in town blown to pieces. Far more houses destroyed than there are in my town (40,000 destroyed), and far more damaged beyond that.

CNN might become more critical now after one of its producer's family was sadly killed

The expression on Jake Tapper's face says more than a thousand words, he's not believing the official narratives anymore.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 05 December 2023