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cwbys21 said:


You want proof from Joseph but you keep spilling that junk about demographics this and demographics that without any proof of your own?  Quite frankly, I think the mods should close any and all threads that have anything to do with Kingdom Hearts and Wii as it always comes down to mindless, "Yes it will!" "No it won't" cry baby battles.  What we know is Kingdom Hearts team is working on FFv13, Kingdom Hearts isn't going to start production for at least a year.  Leave the poor dead horse alone.

seriously, all we know of FFvsXIII is that it will be a miracle if we see it in 2009. If, like you say, Kingdom Hearts will be made by the FFvs team we won't see a KH before 2012.
Do you really think that Square will leave its 3rd most important series to be released somewhere at the end of this gen? Which totally rules out a second current gen KH. Totally not going to happen. Square needs that game sooner, whether it will be Ps3, 360 or Wii.

To Joseph: You kind of ignore the fact that Square named Wii as one of their main platforms (DS, PS3 and Wii), so it is logical that their 3rd main franchise comes to Wii. (I'm not saying it will, but you make it look like it's impossible).

You also assume that every PS2 owner is sticking to the Sony brand. A quick look at the numbers on this site will tell you that this is not the case at all. It's absolutely clear that the majority of PS2 owners have jumped to Wii. Especially in Japan the Wii is the console of choice, and KH sells about half in Japan. There are loads of Wii owners that played KH1+2.

the_bloodwalker, thats true, but i seriously (as my opinion) think as for games the ps3 got a more wider market than the wii have right now.
nintendo got success now, but they will be able to manage to third party get it cake like sony or even microsoft did?

I don't think that's true. PS3's audience is insanely hardcore. The games that sell are the GTA's, the MGS4's, but besides the big-epic games that have a "hardcore gamers" appeal there's not much that sells.
Guitar Hero 3 for example sold a lot less than on its competing platforms.