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From north to south, nowhere safe in Gaza as 700 killed in 24 hours

Israel’s war on Gaza is escalating, leaving death and devastation across the besieged strip.

At least 700 Palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours – one of the highest daily death tolls since the war began on October 7.

From the north to the south, Palestinians in Gaza say nowhere is safe.

GOP senator rejects defense secretary's argument that more civilian casualties in Gaza could worsen insurgency

US Sen. Lindsey Graham rejected Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s contention that further civilian casualties in Gaza could produce even more insurgents and replace “a tactical victory with a strategic defeat.”

The Republican senator went on to characterize Austin as “naive," saying he has “lost all confidence” in him.

“Strategic defeat would be inflaming the Palestinians? They’re already inflamed. They are taught from the time they’re born to hate the Jews and to kill them," Graham claimed on CNN — calling on Austin to “Quit criticizing Israel in public.”

“Secretary Austin is telling Israel things that are impossible to achieve,” Graham said. “Secretary Austin, the reason Palestinians are dying: Gaza is so condensed, Hamas has tunnels under apartments, under schools, under hospitals.”

Graham added that he understands the theory of what retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal has called “insurgent math,” an idea that collateral civilian death in warfare can be a catalyst for creating insurgents, but argued Gaza’s population “has been radicalized for decades.”

“Do you know what they teach in the schools?” Graham questioned. "The idea that somehow we’re or Israel is radicalizing the people in Gaza is ridiculous'"

“If we were attacked like this, which we were in 9/11, if somebody called for us within two months to have a ceasefire against al-Qaeda, we would’ve laughed them out of town, we would have run them out of town,” he said, also criticizing Vice President Kamala Harris’ Saturday statement that “too many innocent Palestinians have been killed.” 

“Vice President Harris, tell Israel how to destroy Hamas in a way not to hurt innocent Palestinians, and I'll pass it along,” he said. “No Republican believes this, by the way,” he added. “No Republican is telling Israel to change your military tactics.”

Aid for Israel: Meanwhile, said he would not vote for a bill to aid Israel and Ukraine if US immigration restrictions he and his GOP colleagues have advocated for are not included in the proposed legislation.

“I think there are votes for Israel apart from the package,” he contended. “Republicans overwhelmingly support Israel — so do most Democrats. Republicans are divided on Ukraine.”

Spreading the big lie, calling for genocide

Outrage continues to grow over a public comment made by a Florida state Republican lawmaker calling for all Palestinians to die.

Meanwhile the IDF can't brush this under the rug

Netanyahu calls for investigation into killing of Israeli who stopped Jerusalem shooting attack

Videos of the attack circulating widely on social media and aired on Israeli television show Castleman run across the road when he sees two men shooting at people at a Jerusalem bus stop. He fires his handgun at them several times as they return to their car after shooting at people. 

Meanwhile, on the other side of the attackers’ car, a uniformed soldier also begins shooting. Castleman, apparently realizing he could be mistaken for one of the attackers, throws his pistol away, drops to his knees, opens his jacket to show he is not wearing a suicide vest, and raises his hands. The soldier appears to shoot him after his hands are raised. 

The Israel Defense Forces originally said it would not investigate the incident. 

Amid widespread media coverage of Castleman’s death, Israel Police said they would investigate it, and the IDF then said it would join the investigation because the suspect in the killing is a soldier.

This reconstruction of October 7 starts to sound a lot more plausible with more and more videos coming out of the IDF indiscriminately shooting people, including children, after surrendering.

For all the sensationalism surrounding the events of Oct. 7, when Hamas broke through the Gaza fence and seized territory in the Gaza Envelope as part of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, there is still much that we do not know. The official Israeli death toll from the attack is estimated at 1,200 civilians, revised from an initial estimate of 1,400. Among this figure are several hundred civilians, which Israel says were killed by Hamas militants. Other testimony from survivors of Oct. 7 suggests an alternative explanation—that in its fervor to defeat Hamas, Israeli commanders may have willingly targeted and sacrificed Israeli soldiers and civilians in the crossfire. Max Blumenthal of The Grayzone joins The Chris Hedges Report for an in-depth look.

It was already confirmed that several people were killed on the music festival by Israeli fire. More concerned about hostages being taken than protecting lives. Spreading lies about how terrible and ruthless Hamas is has fully backfired and Israeli civilians got caught in the cross fire just as Palestinians are now in Gaza.

Every day the same:
Meanwhile, the US has stepped up pressure on Israel to do more to protect civilians following the resumption of combat operations in Gaza.

Completely meaningless as it's only escalating day after day.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin reaffirmed on Saturday that the country's support for Israel is “not negotiable” in remarks at a forum in California — but also emphasized that the protection of civilians in Gaza is crucial to Israel’s long-term success against Hamas.

Who can stop these maniacs.