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55% of European countries without official Xbox support sounds like a lot, but I hope people know enough about Europe to be able to tell that the vast majority of these 55% don't amount to much in console sales regardless of the brand. In other words, full official support in all these countries wouldn't move the needle for Xbox in Europe much at all.

The translation thing is a serious issue though. While English is taught in all non-native-English countries with few exceptions, there's always going to be a sizeable chunk of the population who prefers all entertainment media in their native language, including people who are well-versed in English. And the more screentext a game has, the more important are the available languages and the quality of the translation.

But putting that aside, it's hard to speak of a crash in a region where Xbox hasn't sold well last generation either. Sales cannot drop much when they haven't been high to begin with. Furthermore, what precedes translations is the existence of games; before Microsoft proceeds to improving in the areas this thread is about, they have to fix their game issue first. But they won't, because their overall gaming strategy doesn't align with making Xbox exclusive games.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.