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KiigelHeart said:
Machiavellian said:

Why would MS be clearer on how they are going to achieve their goal.  I believe one of the biggest issues with most gamers is that you constantly just ignore what is right in front of your face.  The Xbox console stop being a focal point for MS ever since Phil took over.  Once he made first party development work on PC and console at the same time, he already decided what is more important for MS gaming division, next was GP.  GP has and will be the most important product for MS gaming.  It's the reason they bought Bethesda and ABK and it will be the reason they make any moves in the future.  Everything revolves around GP and since GP inception MS has not been coy about their direction.  You all should be thinking of the Xbox console like MS other hardware.  They are minor extension of MS business but not their main products.  GP is MS main product; it aligns perfectly with MS as a business since MS is a service provider and software company way more than a hardware provider.

As far as when MS make their move to fully become 3rd party, that might not actually ever happen.  What will happen is that MS will do whatever they can to expand GP to every platform as long as the margins is in line with their business goals.  MS will continue to make Xbox hardware just like they continue to make all their other hardware, because it keeps people within their eco system and services but the goal will always to extend GP to all gaming platforms.

Their messaging should be clearer because these kind of statements will further hurt console sales. Consumers might not want to invest in their hardware or even ecosystem if they feel Xbox consoles might be dropped. And since we don't know if Sony will even allow GP on PlayStation (why would they?) this statement is completely pointless.

No need to state the obvious about Microsoft's strategy since I don't believe they want to drop their own hardware or go 3rd party. I simply took an issue with this statement & mixed messaging.

This is where you do not understand.  MS does not care about what you care about.  Its not like this is the first rodeo.  MS cannot be more clear about their direction and I really struggle to understand why it's so hard to understand.  MS does not care about hurting console sales.  They stopped caring about hurting console sales when they put day one all their first party games on PC. If MS cared about hurting their console market, they would push everything through a marketing department which they do not.

I just do not see any mix message.  MS has pretty much always from the get go that GP is their future.  They have invested everything into it and all their moves have been towards making it successful.  Yes, the Xbox console is a biproduct of that direction, but you can believe MS did not pay 69 billion dollars for Xbox.  They paid 69 billion dollars for GP and the future of their services within the gaming space.

Also, you are taking this statement way to literally.  What a person wants and what can be achieved is 2 different things.  Phil would love to purchase Nintendo, it's probably never going to happen but if by some luck or act of GOD the opportunity happens, MS would take advantage of it.  It's the same with GP.  MS would love to put GP on everything but achieving that isn't going to happen the way the market is today.  That does not mean the market will remain this way forever because MS themselves is trying to disrupt the market.

So in my opinion the message cannot be any clearer.  MS will do whatever it takes to make GP a success.  They will pour huge amounts of resources at the problem because gaming, not just console gaming but gaming in general is a huge market and they want to be competitive in all areas but mostly they want GP to be the service of choice for all areas of gaming.