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Leynos said:

Man, that's funny but it's also so incredibly sad. Obviously the biggest issue at play here are the charities that didn't get the money and the innocent people who gave their money thinking it was for research but as a side issue, the fact that the developers of this game gave this guy the ultimate honor of featuring him in their game and there were even artists with the task of drawing him into the game and now all that good will will most likely be deleted cause of no fault of their own? I find that kinda heartbreaking in all honesty.

This just solidifies my belief that you shouldn't reference real life people in your product (video games, movies, TV shows, etc) specially in a reverential/positive way cause you just never know what they could do tomorrow. I wish we lived in a world where that wasn't an issue but it most definitely is. The obvious exception are sport games like Fifa, NBA, UFC, etc but even then you could be at risk. I remember there was this WWE game that had to delete a wrestler cause he killed his family or something. That was just crazy.