(FYI) Phil Spencer talks around the Brazilian price hike on Series S 🇧🇷 #NothingBurger pic.twitter.com/kMVOgK32hl
— Idle Sloth💙💛 (@IdleSloth84_) November 30, 2023
Ugh. No real explanation, just some PR fluff about how they listen to the community but don't always do what the community wants. I just can't understand jacking up the price in Brazil when they had a price advantage over PS5 there. They jacked the Series S price up from 2500 Brazilian Real to 3600 Brazilian Real, a massive increase from 2 months of working a minimum wage job to 3 months of working a minimum wage job. Sony already capitalized on the boneheaded move, slashing the PS5 price for Black Friday week to match the new price of Series S.
The worst part is, there seems to be no real reason for the price hike beyond pure greed by Microsoft's bean counters, the Brazilian Real to USD exchange rate has been fairly stable, with the value of 1 Brazilian Real hovering around between 0.19-0.21 US cents nearly all year, tiny variations, a 3 penny range save for a single week where it was worth 0.18 US cents instead of 0.19-0.21
Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 30 November 2023