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It's seems the tone in the western media is slowly starting to shift. The tactic of Hamas to draw attention to the 'hostages' Israel has been taking for many years is working. I was surprised to see the word 'apartheid' mentioned on CNN in context with the 'legal' process differences (administrative detention without charges nor due process) between detained Palestinians and Israeli prisoners, some progress.

Oh nvm, it has been scrubbed, I swear it was there last night. Also the post from Biden is gone from the CNN feed

Hamas unleashed a terrorist attack because they fear nothing more than Israelis and Palestinians living side by side in peace. To continue down the path of terror, violence, killing, and war is to give Hamas what they seek. We can’t do that.

Apart from not making much sense, it does hint to Biden not wanting the war to continue. A big difference from before the truce, now more and more evidence of the vast destruction, brutal war crimes, worsening humanitarian and environmental disaster, over 15,000 civilian deaths (including over 6,000 child deaths) and counting are trickling through to the west.

Hamas already got what they wanted, forcing the world to see Israel and the IDF for what they are, ruthless occupiers in an apartheid regime. However the right in Israel is still calling for continuing the war and Netanyahu is still saying the pause is to get the IDF ready for an even bigger scale operation targeting the South (the so called safe zone)

Some of the criticism is still up on CNN

14-year-old freed Palestinian prisoner recounts being in Israeli detention during October 7 attacks

From CNN's Niamh Kennedy

A 14-year-old Palestinian prisoner who was released Tuesday from Israeli custody recounted his experience as a detainee when the October 7 attacks occurred.

"On the first day (of the war), we heard women being beaten, there was repression and violence," Ahmad Slaimah told journalists about that day.

Ahmad said prisoners were provided with two meals a day but said this "wasn't enough" food and many "slept hungry." He criticized the poor communication between prison staff and prisoners. 

According to data gathered by CNN from the Palestinian Prisoner's Society and the Israeli prison authority, the Israel Prison Service, Ahmad had been held under detention but never sentenced for a crime. 

The young boy's father, Nayef Slaimah, told journalists that he is grateful for his son's release after he lost all contact with him after October 7. 

"When Ahmad was in prison, we couldn’t visit him,” his father said. 

CNN has asked the Israeli Prison Service about Ahmad's claims.

2 Palestinians died after Jenin hospital was blocked by Israeli forces, charity care agency official says

From CNN's Hande Atay Alam

Two Palestinians died after Israeli military vehicles blocked the entrance of the hospital in Jenin, denying the patients access to care for their wounds, according to Dr. Christos Christou, international president of Doctors Without Borders, also known as Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).

"For two hours, we were not able to leave to provide care and people could not reach us, as Israeli military vehicles blocked the entrance of the hospital and the road, preventing ambulances from leaving. Two Palestinians died of wounds while ambulances could not reach them, " Christou wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Christou said he was visiting the MSF team at the Khalil Suleiman Hospital in Jenin in the occupied West Bank when the "Israeli army conducted an incursion on Jenin refugee camp."

"This must stop now. Patients should have access to healthcare at all times," Christou wrote. 

"There's nothing worse for a doctor to know that there are people there needing our care and they cannot get it," Christou said in a video posted on X.

Earlier on Tuesday, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) told CNN that clashes were ongoing in Jenin.

“The IDF is conducting counterterrorism activities in the area,” the IDF said, adding that it would not provide any more details until operations were completed.

As well as some stories about the destruction. Still things like this is not in the western media.
Heartwarming moment when a baby gets rescued alive from the rubble. Miraculously spared in a hollow after the house got struck by an Israeli missile.

Also the joy of Palestinian parents getting rejoined with their children isn't shown on CNN nor the reality of living in Gaza.

Francesca Albaneza speaks out about the Western coverage

So far the ceasefire is still holding, despite Israel continuing to kill and raid the West Bank. (For example: Two children have been shot and killed by Israeli forces in Jenin, occupied West Bank, the Palestinian Health Ministry said. A nine-year-old was shot in the head and a 15-year-old was shot in the chest. Security and local sources told the Palestinian news agency Wafa that the Israeli army forced residents of the ad-Damj neighbourhood to leave their homes at gunpoint and destroyed streets in the neighbourhood. Wafa said that the army also bombed a house using a drone)

More Palestinians have been arrested in the West Bank since the start of the ceasefire than released in the hostage negotiations. Plus the ones released have been warned they will be arrested again if they speak out or celebrate.

More than 3,300 arrested in West Bank since October 7: Non-profit

The Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS) and the Prisoners’ Affairs Authority say Israeli forces arrested 35 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank within the past 24 hours, including a 12-year-old child.

The total number of people arrested since October 7 is now more than 3,325, a post on the PPS’s Facebook page said.

Today, November 29 is the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, an official observance adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1977.

That only lasted a year, 1948 was the first ethnic cleansing

No mention of The international day of solidarity with the Palestinian people on CNN, as well as very very little coverage of the ongoing protests for a permanent ceasefire / truce around the world. Yet the Western media can't keep ignoring the real disaster unfolding live in Gaza with winter setting in.

Despite Israel delaying releasing prisoners until late at night, raiding the homes of relatives during the day to prevent celebrations and chase the press away, they still can't stop the truth getting out.