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Shadow1980 said:

No, and I think everyone knows the reason why I would think that. But I'm not going to say it because... wait...

Torpoleon said:

Honestly, 120-130 is probably where the Switch would've ended if it wasn't for the covid bump (maybe 135-140m at best).

Norion said:

the boost it got from the pandemic

Otter said:

The Switch was phenomenon which benefitted both from the pandemic

Slownenberg said:

Also Covid helped boost sales for a couple years as well.

We... we really can say it out loud now without being ridiculed.



Yeah. What they said. The Switch 2 won't outsell the Switch mainly because the latter got a big boost from the COVID bump.

The Switch formula is a guaranteed hit, though, and I think it will sell very well, probably somewhere in the 110-130M range. As long as Nintendo keeps delivering on the software front, the can play it safe and still expect to sell well over 100M every generation. They don't need to do anything massively radical anymore, just successively more powerful versions of the Switch.

 I know you were waiting many years for this mate. Enjoy the moment, cheers