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Digital purchases with DRM are worth a lot less to me personally, for reasons already mentioned in this thread several times. I buy the vast majority of my (digitally purchases) games for at most 10 euros and almost never at full price or even half price. Consoles are the absolute worst offender in this regard, which is one reason why I've shifted so strongly away from console gaming. Another somewhat related reason is backwards compatibility: I've owned mainly Sony consoles in the past, and Sony hasn't shown it's not at all trustworthy regarding backwards compatibility. (Things are improving, but trust is hard to regain, and Sony is doing at best a passable job even now - old games are still unplayable without purchasing them again, for little good reason besides greed.)

S.Peelman said:

Digital games are basically rentals. They exist until someone decides they don’t for whatever reason. Though I’m not necessarily against Netflix-style subscriptions, I’m not in the market for full-price rentals. Gaming has personally been going downhill for me anyway so I’d say there’s plenty of retro stuff to last me several lifetimes. No need to enslave myself to the whims of publishers.

Not entirely true, because there are DRM-free services as well. GOG is probably the best-known one. Of course this doesn't help at all with console gaming, because with consoles, there's only the official store, and the systems themselves have been built with DRM in mind from the start. But even with PC gaming, you kind of have to go out of your way to get DRM-free games, so it's not really all that common. Overall, the majority of digital purchases are exactly like you said.