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Take it with a grain of salt because I never owned some of them (NES, Game Boy, Game Cube and Wii U), but those are my impressions based on their libraries, design, features, controllers, and legacy. Many of their titles I only played in later systems (ex, some SNES games in DS. Wii U games on Switch, etc) or through emulation:

3DS above DS is certainly controversial but I personally never enjoyed DS all that much. I think it was a time when I was expecting more power for games and DS simply couldn't provide it for me, I think PSP was more aligned with what I was expecting for a system at the time. I appreciate a lot of its older system ports though and recognize it's a very good system with a vast library

GB/GBC and NES were great systems at their time, but rendered a bit useless for me because their design philosophy was overhauled by GBA and SNES, which were the first Nintendo systems I've played and loved both, GB and NES just never stood a chance against their sequels

N64 and GC are great hardware. Both suffer from poor support

Wii and Wii U are pretty bad. Weird controllers, underpowered. I pray they never comeback