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Shtinamin_ said:

I was just viewing the Platform Totals Chart here:
And I noticed that the total in Europe sold are very similar in sales for the Nintendo Switch and the Nintendo Wii, 33.56M and 33.12M respectively. I understand that the Switch still has at least 2-3 more years of console lifeshelf left, but I find it interesting how much Europe doesn't care that much for Nintendo consoles (except the handhelds: DS and GB at 51.84 and 40.05 respectively). Is this because those that live in Europe see the Nintendo Switch as a home console more than a handheld?

Another note regarding this chart, what is everyone's hypotheses/predictions for North America (Is North America supposedly the same as the Americas, I know the Americas includes South America, but William D'Angelo has stopped using North American numbers since January this year), Europe, Japan, and the rest of the World by the end of the Switch's lifecycle, and the end of this Q3.

I personally think that Switch will reach the following number once production is finished:
North America 56.34M
Europe 38.43M
Japan 40.36M
Rest of the World 27.23M.

And this Q3 will be:
North America 52.62M (+2.57M)
Europe 34.5M (+0.94M)
Japan 33.7M (+2.6M)
Rest of the World 19.8M (+1.19M)

My Rest of the World estimate once production is terminated may be high.
My North America estimate might be a bit high for Q3.

*edit: I was using The Americas 50.05M instead of the 46.6M in North America.

The Platform Totals page and the weekly/monthly charts on the front page are North American data and doesn't include Latin America, while the Americas monthly articles ( / ) include the data from Latin America.

VGChartz Sales Analyst and Writer - William D'Angelo - I stream on Twitch and have my own YouTubeFollow me on Twitter @TrunksWD.

Writer of the Sales Comparison | Weekly Hardware Breakdown Top 10 | Weekly Sales Analysis | Marketshare Features, as well as daily news on the Video Game Industry.