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LurkerJ said:

There is nothing to learn because no politician is in it to "learn" or represent the people. American politicians are harlots for the highest bidder, mostly representing global powers and mega-corportations. Please watch this recent segment to understand who's dictating the current stance of western democracies:

This story is infinitely more scandalous than the Russian hacking (lol) of the 2016 elections. Rachel Meadow and MSM, where are you from this? Crickets. I can't wait for your fake outrage next year over some twitter bots. 

Great work by Kyle, Krystal and Ryan. 

EDIT: not that there is anything wrong with being a harlot and I apologise if this comparison offended anyone, harlots spread peace, not genocides, after all. 

It's not just politics, Hollywood is just as complicit and used to shape public opinion. Susan Sarandon and Melissa Berrara were dropped last week for daring to speak out.

Canada just seems to follow the US, don't want to make any waves. The influence wherever it;s coming from is deeply rooted as well. The University of Manitba just suspended It's not even in the news here, no hits apart from this blurb

All her media posts have been scrubbed yet I did some digging on Reddit and what she did is basically saying Isreal should look in the mirror, suggesting with a caricature sketch that the oppressed have become the oppressors.

Caricature sketches were a staple of the newspapers when I grew up and this one hits the nail on the head. But she got blamed for antisemitism and suspended.

Same as many others that get censured or suspended for daring to have a critical voice or just stating the facts of what's happening.

And yes that segment makes total sense

A Michigan businessman called Democratic Senate candidate Hill Harper to offer $20 million in campaign contributions if he agreed to drop out and instead mount a primary challenge to Rep. Rashida Tlaib, according to a source with direct knowledge of the call.

the episode illustrates the intensity of the blowback toward Tlaib, the only Palestinian American in Congress, in response to her outspoken criticism of the Israeli government since its war with Hamas began. More than 20 Democrats joined Republicans in voting to censure Tlaib earlier this month after she invoked a pro-Palestinian slogan that’s widely seen as calling for the eradication of Israel, and pro-Israel Democrats are still searching for a candidate to primary her.

Here in Ontario Sarah Jama is still fighting her censure and essentially getting kicked out of the NPR (after being used as a 'diversity' trophy
Fighting against the dehumanization of Palestinions

You can't say anything that leads to thinking Palestinians are human too. The people that handled the return of the 85 year old first hostage that was released have been reprimanded for this debacle

Ms. Lifshitz said that she and others were relatively well taken care of, given medicine and the same food as their captors. Fearing disease, her captors worked to sanitize the area, she said, and doctors would visit sporadically to check on them. “They treated us gently and fulfilled all of our needs,” she said.

Sharon Lifshitz: “My mom is speaking about the time there. She’s telling us about sharing food with the people, that the people, when she first arrived, they told them that they are Muslims and they’re not going to hurt them, and that they shared — they ate the same food that the Hamas was eating.”

Hence the now released hostages are taken in by the military first for debriefing, kept away from the media if possible...

Of course all the attention is on the hostages now, yet who is going to put question marks about the freed Palestinian 'prisoners' as young as 14 years old, put in jail for throwing stones (up to 20 year jail sentence) or simply administrative detention. (people held without knowing the charges against them, and without any legal process)

Or the treatment of Palestinian prisoners. Several have died in detention since October 7, thousands more have been put under administrative detention. Stories of beatings in jail, no or little medical treatment for getting shot.

Zeina Abdo was 16 years old when she was placed under house arrest before being transferred to Ofer Prison. She is now 18 and has just been released with the first batch of Palestinian prisoners. Abdo said she spent the last 49 days in isolation for following developments in Gaza on October 7.
“They [Israeli authorities] dispersed us, beat us, sprayed us with [tear] gas, and we were all placed in isolation,” she told Al Jazeera. “It was a very difficult situation.” During her time in isolation, Abdo said that “We did not see the sun … they deprived us of food, there was no mattress or anything.

And don't dare show any joy as a Palestinian for getting your kid back from jail, expressly forbidden by the ISF.

Palestinians still get shot despite the temporary ceasefire

A Palestinian man has been injured after Israeli soldiers shot live rounds at people outside the military prison near Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, the Palestine Red Crescent says.

The incident came as hundreds waited there for the second batch of Palestinian detainees to be released as part of the truce agreement.

Israeli live fire also wounded Palestinians in Beit Ummar near Hebron and Burqa near Nablus, the Red Crescent added.

And Biden... while the world calls for a permanent ceasefire

What was striking was, in response to a question as to whether the Israeli government should extend the truce, Biden, in a very hesitant manner, sort of gave the green light for Israel to continue.

That’s in keeping with the leaks we’ve been hearing from the White House over the last few days, that the US is still giving Israel that green light.

There was no mention of the Palestinian women and children being released from Israeli captivity. No mention of the Palestinian dead, only obliquely as a result of a question asked of him.

And that was also, perhaps unwittingly, in keeping with the leaks we were getting from the White House, because it was clear that when the Palestinian dead were being discussed by the crisis teams at the White House, it was mainly in terms of the optics, as to whether the US should ask Israel to bombard a little less or a bit more carefully, because it looks so bad.

It hurts to see Canada stand behind all this, just after we finally got to a stage of admitting our own dark past.

Reconciliation for killing over 6,000 indigenous children in residential schools trying to convert them. Exactly what Netanyahu wants to do next, subvert the Palestinian population by controlling what children get taught in school.

Between the late 1800s and 1996, more than 150,000 First Nations, Métis and Inuit children attended Indian residential schools, as a policy of the federal government. Separated from families and communities, they were forbidden from speaking their languages or practising their cultures. Many were poorly nourished and experienced physical and sexual abuse. Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission estimated that more than 6,000 children died while at residential schools.

History repeating itself. Drive the Palestinians into smaller and smaller reserves and extinguish their culture.

But what can you expect from countries that all became great for doing exactly the same and getting away with it. The difference today is that it can't be done out of view anymore. Yet that still doesn't seem to be enough to stop genocide or ethnic cleansing.

Meanwhile on day 2 of the ceasefire

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 25 November 2023