Trying out my new 85'' x90cl TV.
For whatever reason and I guess I didnt know or check...all these years but my gaming desktop was running in 1080p (which is fine) but at 29 hz.
Changed it to 4k 60 hz - it looks....pretty good.
I had to change the resolution for the games I was playing (Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag and Borderlands GOTY Enhanced).
So before I was having a issue where ACIV was running at 50fps if I have vsync on at 1080p - if I turned off vsync, the screen tearing was just horrible so I just played it with 50 fps, its whatever.
But now with the new tv and I changed my settings, I fixed that issue but with a higher resolution.
Now I can run ACIV Black Flag at 1440p with vsync on at 60 FPS.
I wonder if that would have fixed my issue with Street Fighter V cause that was also at 50 fps....
Borderlands GOTY Enhanced didnt change much, I was at 1080p at 60 fps and now 1440p at 60 FPS.
1440p is nice but damn I need to upgrade my computer, a bit tempted to get a new rig but I spent too much this year.
Edit 2: I tried 4k but the FPS would drop down to like 38 to 42 FPS :(
Edit: Oh shit....I just noticed motion blur is on, need to turn that shit off lol. Hate motion blur so much.