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The IDF has moved on to the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza City

Amnesty is asking the ICC to investigate war crimes in Gaza with evidence of 2 more specific cases

Livestock in Gaza is starting to die off due to lack of food and water, as well as abandoned crops.
“Across Gaza, farmers have begun slaughtering their animals due to the immediate need for food and the lack of fodder. This practice poses an additional threat to food security as it leads to the depletion of productive assets,”

The Israeli Knesset approved draft legislation banning the consumption of what it called “terrorist publications”, viewing anything that it deems terrorist publications can lead to 1 year jail sentence. And they want to introduce the death penalty for Palestinian fighters.

More than 13,000 people, including 5,500 children have been killed so far (that we know of, many still missing under rubble)

‘This must stop,’ UN chief says as deaths, displacement ripple across Gaza

Since 7 October, at least 176 people sheltering in the agency’s schools were reported killed and 800 wounded during Israeli bombardments, Mr. Lazzarini said.

“The large number of UNRWA facilities hit and the number of civilians killed cannot just be ‘collateral damage’,” he said, adding that the UN agency routinely shares the buildings’ coordinates with parties to the conflict.

“This vicious war is reaching a point of no return when all rules are disrespected, in overt disregard for civilian lives,” he said, calling and appealing “once again for humanity to prevail and for a humanitarian ceasefire right now."

How much longer can the US keep backing Israel???

Paid for by American tax dollars

The United States committed over $3.3 billion in foreign assistance to Israel in 2022, the most recent year for which data exists.[1] About $8.8 million of that went toward the country's economy, while 99.7% of the aid went to the Israeli military.

Adjusting for inflation, US aid to Israel from 1951 to 2022 totaled $317.9 billion, making it the largest recipient of American foreign aid since World War II.

The situation in the West Bank keeps getting worse as well, here is some insight in how the ISF terrorizes the West bank

On the relationship between settlers and the Israeli military

I joined to be a combat soldier because I wanted to protect my country, my friends and my family. When I see the military that I joined used as an employee of the settler movement, this process is terrifying for me. It's already devastating for the security of Israel itself.

You don't have the order to stop violent settlers. What you do have orders for is to protect the Jewish community. We don't have orders as soldiers to protect everyone in the area. We have hundreds of testifiers. None of them said that they received an order to detain a settler attacking a Palestinian, even though it's the most simple order.

On how Israeli soldiers show Palestinians "who's the boss"

Occupying millions of people for decades means you control their everyday life. The first command I received as a soldier in the West Bank was to make all of the Palestinians feel like they cannot lift their heads up. We have to make sure that they know who's the boss. How do we do that? We make sure that all of the Palestinians cannot pass a day without understanding who is controlling them.

For example, one of the missions is called a mock arrest. A mock arrest is when a group of soldiers invades a Palestinian home in the middle of the night, arrests one of the family members. It can be a few minutes, sometimes it's a few hours. They choose, with intelligence, the home of a family that is not violent; they arrest the father, usually, and then bring them back because they're just training for a future mission. Imagine the impact of this mission to the kids, to the wife, to the family.

On settler violence against Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied West Bank

The violence is not new. It didn't start during this war. It started in 1967 from the first day of the occupation. But today, what we're seeing in the West Bank is the peak of this violence. To understand the violence we have to understand what's behind it. Violent settlers understand that by attacking a Palestinian community in a rural village, if they do it with enough persistence and with enough interruption they can make them move away.

The US and Israel are burning down everything accomplished in the past decades. US politics couldn't be more morally bankrupt. Nothing was learned from the Iraq war, Afghanistan, 9-11. The only things learned have been how to better manipulate public opinion and keep people distracted. Divide and conquer.