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LurkerJ said:

Israel's response and publicly stated intents are obscene, there is no reasonable pro-Israeli argument left at this point, because even if you think their response is proportional it will never justify the monstrosities that are happening simultaneously in the West Bank. 

Still nothing on the school attack, in the 'safe' zone.

And this is as far as CNN will go

"Israel has come under growing pressure to provide more evidence for its claims, as the humanitarian crisis inside the hospital deepens. CNN analysis of video suggests the IDF may have rearranged weaponry at Al-Shifa prior to international news crews arriving to document their findings this week."

Israeli military responds: The IDF told CNN the discrepancy between the military’s own video and the BBC footage was “due to the fact that more weaponry and terrorist assets were discovered throughout the day.” 

“Suggestions that the IDF is manipulating the media are incorrect,” it added. “We are acting with full transparency whilst maintaining the safety of our troops and operational readiness.”

NVM that a couple weapons is far from a military command center / arsenal, and even if it was, a couple left behind weapons are still no legal reason to storm a hospital in times of war. There was no imminent threat from the hospital complex at all, it's a war crime, plain and simple. But Western media will not call that out.

Does Biden not see the hypocrisy of holding 2.3 million people hostage and letting them starve unless

US President Joe Biden’s main adviser on the Middle East says there will be a “significant pause” in the Gaza war if hostages held by Hamas are freed.

“The surge in humanitarian relief, the surge in fuel, the pause … will come when hostages are released,” Brett McGurk told a security conference in Bahrain.

What does it take for the ICC to wake up.

Ahh CNN caught up on the UN-run Fakhura School and added another

Another school hit: Saturday’s incident was the second time in 24 hours an UNRWA school in northern Gaza had been hit, the agency said.

A school in Zaitoun — which was being used by 4,000 people as a shelter — had been struck multiple times on Friday, Touma told CNN. She said ambulances had reportedly been unable to get to the school, which she said was most likely due to the fighting and the communications blackout.

Lazzarini posted that dozens of people were believed to have been killed in the Friday incident.

Directly under that

US President Joe Biden has rejected the mounting calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, saying in an op-ed published Saturday that it would not achieve peace.

Bombing schools will achieve peace instead? What does it take for Biden to open his eyes.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 18 November 2023