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Yeah, I am not optimistic either. However PS4 level hardware, with a few tricks to get similar to ps4 pro performance and some visual effects available in current gen is more than enough for me, just like people pointed out, will be a considerable jump from Switch, so Nintendo software reaching new heights once again.

In regards to multiplat games, imo we have reached the point that 3rd party companies are not willing to sacrifice time and scope to get a considerable difference from last generation performance, so that's why till this day we still see games coming to PS4/X1 and we need to make video comparisons to show THE HUGE discrepancy to current generation. (Heck even 1st party games are no significant than some visual effects)

The only thing that will stop them to making games to last gen is the natural course when current gen reaches its prime and last gen stops being relevant to get some spare sales.

So if the next gen Nintendo follow the same successfull path, it will be hard for 3rd party companies to ignore.

But that's a discussion for another thread

Last edited by 160rmf - on 13 November 2023



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