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Do you know what’s sad about this discussion for me? It’s that BotW was so good when it came out for me, that it basically spoiled the whole open world genre for me. I bought Elden Ring a few weeks ago, started playing it and I simply cannot get into it. The way, I as player, interact with the world in BotW completely makes me not want to play any other OW game.

Why is it sad? It’s sad because all I wanted TotK to be was a game as adventurous as BotW but with cool dungeons (dude freaking Hyrule castle is the perfect dungeon. Why not expand on that?) and tougher/varied enemies. But all I got was dumb narrative, boring Minecraft like abilities, an underworld that felt like an afterthought and caves with stupid bubble frogs. I cannot believe Nintendo did this. No wonder why the sales have slowed down so much. Very Sad.

Last edited by Valdney - on 22 November 2023