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sc94597 said:
brute said:
^also the series has been slowing down,FFXII sold less with a bigger userbase

Well if you notice there is a trend.

FFVII>FFVIII>FFIX     then it went FFX>FFXII. The first final fantasy always sells best because the series is usually hyped out to be the best thing ever when in reality its not. Also FFXII was a horrible game and deserved much less sales than what it got.(imo)



I like to call it the next gen bump.  New, flashy graphics give the casual fans of a series more reason to buy the next iteration in that series than other past titles, and it is why GT3 outsold GT2 by so damn much, FFX outsold FFIX by so damn much (FFIX sold almost as little as FFXII, while FFX went on to be the second best selling FF after FFVII), and it is why DMC4 is looking to outsell DMC3 by a hell of a lot.

I expect MGS4 to outsell MGS3 by quite a bit, and FFXIII to outsell FFXII.  GT5 outselling GT4 seems like it will be a bit hard to do, but it's certainly possible.