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staticneuron said: vanguardian1 said: Wha? 4 million launch? Sell-out? I don't know what you're smoking, but you can keep it. :p And last we heard the PS3 still has plenty of pre-order units available from the "1 million" launch numbers that were the last confirmed numbers. Yes, the PS3 will get a huge boost this month, but I think you guys are staring at the sun too much. 0,o Wow, I do not believe I missed this. "Initial shipments" in both japan and america sold out. Lol, what a rumor. Dance around it, make jokes, but it is highly likely that the first shipment will sell out. Your just worried cuz it would put the PS3 ahead of the Wii in terms of worldwide sales.
Didn´t Sony want to ship "one" million PS3´s to Europe? I mean how could they ship 4 million units when there are 2.09 million sold and they want to ship 6 million maximum worldwide till march 31? Will they stop shipping units to the US and Japan? Honestly when the Wii launched in Europa everyone was excited because 700k consoles were sold so fast. That was the fastest launch we ever had in europe and it was an awesome thing that there were no consoles left. Believe me, one week before the Wii launched everyone exepcted there would still be plenty of consoles left because there was NEVER such a huge sell-out before the Wii. So we were surprised 700k consoles were sold in 2 weeks. How should Sony sell 4 million in launch period? That would be impossible...?